The Ebola Epidemic

The current outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa has become a public health emergency requiring global attention. This virus first appeared in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976 and has now unprecedentedly reappeared. The year’s outbreak started in May in Guinea and spread to neighboring countries Sierra Leone and Liberia. The World […]

Gallery Sightings: A Black-and-White Eden

What: Sebastião Salgado’s Genesis When: through January 11th, 2015 Where: the International Center of Photography (Midtown) Admission: FREE for Macaulay students with a Cultural Passport General Admission: $14 Students: $10 Sebastião Salgado’s Genesis fills both floors of the International Center of Photography with more than 200 breathtaking black-and-white photographs of the most pristine, untouched places […]

Going Gluten-Free

Some of you may know what gluten is, but for those who do not: Gluten is a substance found in wheat, barley, rye, and (arguably) oats. It’s in bagels, muffins, toast, pizza, Pringles, Doritos, cake, and even in carbonated drinks and certain blends of tea. That means—for us gluten-free people—no standard pizza, bagels, or bread, […]

Occupation: Student

I’m now in my senior year of college, which means that I’ve spent three quarters of my life in school, as have most of those who are reading this right now. Isn’t that just simply astounding? And yet even though we’ve spent all of these years in school, taking notes, doing homework, and stressing over […]
