Debunking the Myths of Undocumented Immigration Starts with a Story

Putting a face to the debate over undocumented students in the United States “seems unwise” to some; however, supporters for immigration reform believe it may be crucial to progress. The role of personal narrative, along with information and awareness, were all central themes during the First Annual Macaulay Students for Immigration Education Reform (S.I.E.R.) Conference. […]

The Disgruntled Voter

And so we have come to a time for choosing.  In what is rarely a commonplace occurrence among the nations of the Earth, America has prided itself in the peaceful transfer of authority.  Every four years, the duty of selecting our next Commander-in-Chief falls on the shoulders of none other than We the People. We […]

Big Offseason, Big Expectations

The 2012 NBA offseason has contained a flurry of deals, moves, and shockers that are certain to keep people talking for months. In what could be most intriguing piece of news to New York sports fans, Jeremy Lin, the centerpiece of the Linsanity craze that started in February, is now with the Houston Rockets after […]

Free University Offers a New Look at Higher Education

Madison Square Park became the center of an event called the Free University. Affiliated with the Occupy movement, the classes, both taught and attended by the public, were intended to be an “experiment in radical education,” according to the event’s website. Over 160 classes were taught and many focused on social and economic justice, like “Class Struggle, Socialism, and […]

Uproar in the Middle East After the Release of Anti-Muslim Film

Four Americans were killed, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, when the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya was attacked in a premeditated and calculated assault on September 11, 2012. Initially shrouded in mystery, details have been unearthed in the week following the attack. Libyan President el-Megarif has declared that the attack was in fact […]