Author Archives: Julia

About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!

Every Day is Mother’s Day (a.k.a. why my mom is better than your mom ;p)

(Hi Mami, Ich liebe dich sehr, und ich schreibe dir jetzt einen Blog, damit der Rest der Welt weiß warum dass so ist. <3 Deine Luli) Why I love my Mami: The Basics 😀 Okay, so maybe it’s rude to … Continue reading

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Everything is the opposite of illuminated (in sort of a good way?)

Hi thurr. My name is Julia and I’m a Spain-a-holic. On Tuesday we climbed Paco (Monte Cantabria) again, with more people. I barely got out of bed because we hosted another international dinner until like 3am Monday night, but it … Continue reading

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44 days til Germany… (and how to become a sports fan late in life)

Okay so the first part of the title is me being quite anal, and the second part is something that I am def not that great at explaining…. Having said that, HELLO 😀 I just got the best news ever … Continue reading

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Why a new environment can make you a new person (the how is up to you! Also, you should join pottermore :)

Yes, inspirational, gooey Julia is back. Why? I just did a workout at 7 am with a new friend that I got to know this trimester. We rocked it, and now I’m drinking chamomile tea, eating Müsli with soymilk, and … Continue reading

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If the world doesn’t end… (no, not gonna talk about the Mayans and you can’t make me!)

People used to be afraid of the end of the world… in a different way. Remember all those old maps with the lil monsters scribbled on the side? Spain here, Italy here….  bit of ocean…. Kraken? maybe some witches? sirens? … Continue reading

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Confused in a Good Way+Comfy and Fed. (oh and btw I went to Rome)

Ciao everyone! I went nuts with my scribbling on loose sheets of paper today, so here’s a smidgeon of my crazy, al dente. (as always, when I’m traveling, the pics won’t cooperate, so please take breaks while reading, and imagine … Continue reading

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Moneyless Student in Rome Finds Loving Home (like a lil micio)

Is there a god? I don’t know, but when in Rome… be cheesy and say that line. Apparently the Romans, and their Vatican neighbors, know how to throw a hell (whoops) of an easter. I just came here to see … Continue reading

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Where the Grass is ACTUALLY Greener (and other tales)

So, I bet you’ve heard the saying “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” Well, while staring at the beautiful Irish countryside between Dublin and Galway last week, I realized something. Something great. I’ve never … Continue reading

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It’s Saint Patrick’s Day!! (and I am DEFINITELY not getting pinched)

At this hostel… nope HOTEL (which is why it costs more even though it’s super far away from the center) the computers are pay as you go.. soooo I forked over 2 euros for 20 minutes of facebook and blogging … Continue reading

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Hey, my loves. This is morning number two waking up in the Avalon House. It’s an adorable little hostel on the list of Europe’s best hostels, and it lives up to it’s rep. My three travel buddies and I have … Continue reading

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