From the 1990 Census to the 2000 Census, there are roughly 487 new owner occupied units. On average, there are 485 fewer units in the 2000 Census in the $0 to $299,999 price range than there are in the 1990 Census. However, in the 2000 Census there are 927 more units in the $300,000 to “$500,000 or more” price range than there are in the 1990 Census. Also, in 2000, there are 196 more units valued at $500,000 or morethan in 1990. This shows a great overall increase in the value of owner occupied homes from 1990 to 2000 in the Howard Beach neighborhood.
Lastly, in New York City overall, the majority of number of houses valued stayed in the range of $200,000 to $249,999 in 1990 and in 2000. In comparison, the majority of houses in Howard Beach in 1990 were valued at $250,000 to $399,999and $300,000 to $499,999 in 2000. This shows an overall trend toward greater home values in Howard Beach, home values that are greater than the New York City home value majority rate during 1990 and 2000.