Author Archives: Elizabeth

4/2/12 Response

Racial discrimination is rooted in fears of the unknown.  In my ancient art history class we learned about the Greek culture and how everyone outside their territories were considered barbarians.  For many people it is much easier to write others … Continue reading

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4/2/12 Response

Racial discrimination is rooted in fears of the unknown.  In my ancient art history class we learned about the Greek culture and how everyone outside their territories were considered barbarians.  For many people it is much easier to write others … Continue reading

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Racial discrimination is rooted in fears of the unknown.  In my ancient art history class we learned about the Greek culture and how everyone outside their territories were considered barbarians.  For many people it is much easier to write others … Continue reading

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Ignite: Spark for Feb. 7th by Elizabeth Langer

Five points, a slum, was noted as one of the worst neighborhoods in New York City around the mid 19th century.  It could have even be considered one of the worst in the world; it definitely gained a world-wide reputation. … Continue reading

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