Posts and Comments by Phil Laudo


Portrait of Greenwich Village--posted on May 12, 2015, in the Neighborhood Portraits category.
Phil’s Object of History--posted on Mar 31, 2015, in the Objects of History category.
Ti Voglio Bene, Mamma--posted on Feb 24, 2015, in the Immigrant Journeys category.
Phil Laudo--posted on Feb 19, 2015, in the Student Introductions category.
Phil’s Family’s Migration Story--posted on Feb 10, 2015, in the Our migration stories category.


"I do not have the same correlation between happiness and home that this article constructs. While my childhood home in Manhattan certainly appeals to me more that my current home in Merrick, if I only had weeks to live I would set out to experience all I could, rather than return to my nostalgic birthplace to lay down and die."
--( posted on Apr 28, 2015, commenting on the post The Meaning of Home )
"While I do not necessarily agree that more Asians are needed in the arts, I do believe that Chinese parents should adopt a wider vision of what it means to be successful. I believe that the only true measure of one's success is their happiness; if a person would enjoy life more as a poor artist than a wealthy, prestigious doctor, then they should pursue that aim. No one should ever be "made to feel like failures" because they have a different plan for their life than their parents do. While I would encourage people to pursue their passions, at least in their non-professional life, I do not necessarily believe that more Asians are needed in the arts because the familial obligations that compel them to be "successful" may very well be more important to them than their artistic pursuits."
--( posted on Apr 28, 2015, commenting on the post Article from Tom Schactman: Please discuss! )
"I don't know if it is only me, but I would feel uncomfortable asking random people about their immigrant experience. In addition, I wouldn't even know where to begin looking for people to interview. Is there any project we could do that does not involve surveying people? Amir and Ellianna's ideas seem to bypass this while remaining interesting and relevant."
--( posted on Mar 30, 2015, commenting on the post Final Project Ideas )