Foner Response

Foner wrote that the immigrant experience is shaped by the city people live in and the effects of particular social, political, and economic institutions and structures on the options available to these people.  She also said that there are other influences, such as the immigrants’ skill composition, the diversity of the groups, and the timing of arrival.  I agree with Foner on these aspects, and I believe that part of the reason that many immigrants thrive in New York City is because it is so rich in these institutions.  For example, New York City is a huge economic center in the country with many large and small businesses thriving.  There are also many educational opportunities here.

I thought it was interesting to see that different areas of the country consider there to be different degrees of “Blackness.”  This can cause people in different cities to push against the negative stereotypes that many black people face.  This can be beneficial to our country.  I also found it interesting to see that there is a separation among the different Latino or Hispanic groups.  Different parts of the country prefer either of the terms.  Also, within these groups, the smaller subgroups of nationalities often do not want to be associated with one another.

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