Response to “How Exceptional is New York?”

1. How does Foner know so precisely how many Hispanics identify themselves as black in the census? I thought the census was the source for demographics in the city.

2. What “official multicultural policies” did Canada adopt that the United States did not?

3. I like that this article brought up how even though New York is known for its diversity, it is still “not an island” and is therefore influenced by United States as a whole. It made me realize how even though that must be true, especially since New York has to obey federal laws, I still feel like it is hard to define New York based on observations of the rest of the United States since New Yorkers develop their own views on race and culture by seeing the city around them. Even Los Angeles has a different experience with immigration than New York, so it would be hard for the rest of the United States to change NY’s mind on something related to cultural diversity. The daily experience of New Yorkers with cultures and immigration is what will mostly define their opinions, so even though New York is “not an island”, I think it has too much firsthand experience to be influenced by those who don’t.

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