Homecrest, Brooklyn

Homecrest Brooklyn is home to a population of 71,132 people. While Homecrest, Brooklyn has traditionally been populated by a large Italian community, it has experienced an influx of immigrants from Latin America, South Asia, Russia, and China. Avenue U  has become New York City’s newest Chinatown. It runs through both Homecrest and Sheepshead Bay areas and is accessible by the B and Q train of the BMT Brighten Line. In fact, Avenue U is considered a second extension of Manhattan’s Chinatown because the Q train directly connects Canal Street, the main street in Manhattan’s Chinatown, to Avenue U.

The population of Homecrest is still mainly Caucasian, however the Asian population is slowly becoming more prominent in the neighborhood, followed by the Hispanic population. 46.9% of the population was born outside of the United States, showing how large of an immigrant population Homecrest really holds.

The average income of Homecrest is $46, 844 which is only slightly higher than Brooklyn’s median income. Homecrest also has significantly less percentage of people below the poverty line, 17.2% as opposed to in Brooklyn’s total percentage below the poverty line being 25.1%.


Emma Park-Hazel

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