E. Pluribus Unum-attempt 2

Contact Theory Vs. Conflict Theory is what Robert D.Putnam discusses in his article “E.Pluribus Unum”. The contact theory in Putnam’s eyes essentially means that people who are surrounded by those like them feel more comfortable in the environment as opposed to with people of different nationalities. The comfort would eventually lead to a greater and more productive working environment for the workers. The theory also fosters that people are more likely to look after one another if they are of the same background and trust develops amongst them. The other theory Putnam discusses is the Conflict theory, which states that, “diversity fosters out-group distrust and in-group solidarity”. This means that as diversity is increased, the trust existing between groups will be lower in general.

I found both theories interesting because I can see how both can play a role in society. For example, I know that many people of my nationality, for example Russians, feel more comfortable working with other Russians most of the time because of similar work ethics. However, sometimes this system can run haywire and follow the second theory. The resisting of forming other social groups results in solidarity within a group of people.

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