Zhou, Chin, Kim Response

I really enjoyed reading this article because it shed light on a very positive side of immigration. It has become ingrained in our heads that people immigrate to new countries for better opportunities, mostly driven by a desire for monetary success. Often times, in conversations, it would not be surprising to hear something along the lines of “Well, their country is successful already, I don’t see why he would want to come here, anyway”. I never questioned it, and just accepted such generalized conclusions because they seemed plausible enough. This article greatly broadened the scope of immigration and why people really immigrate to new countries. I found it interesting how there are many different reasons that go beyond the limitations of seeking monetary success. These reasons include finding not just monetary success, but financial stability for themselves, being able to develop a stable establishment here, from which they can use their benefits and profits to further help those back home. This article also touches upon how many immigrants come here in hopes of finding some sort of stability in either insurance or for their children, and it is not something they seek for temporary gain. Their investments in real estate show that they are here to stay, which is just a more positive feature in immigration.

I liked how this article seemed to emphasize a policy of give-and-take between the city and the immigrants. They come here with already developed skills and talents, and put these abilities to practical use not only to help themselves, but to also contribute to the city, as well. This reminded me of an oath that we had to recite upon entering my high school alma mater. The Ephebic Oath essentially stated that a person would wield his talents and put them to practical use, for the purpose of serving their community and leaving their country greater and better than they found it. These words greatly resounded with me as I was reading this article on how these well established and highly skilled Asian immigrants come to America to benefit both themselves and their country in many different ways, including financially, as their work benefits the economy, as well as promoting diversity, as they are coming from all different parts of Asia, as well, and distributing this immense diversity throughout many different parts and neighborhoods of the cities.

– Nadera Rahman

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