Waters and Jimenez

This article included a lot of interesting findings of recent immigration and how it differs from previous influxes of immigration.  Though the differences include how assimilation is occurring and how it is related to the generations of children in the United States, language and where the immigrants are moving to once they come, one thing particularly stuck out to me.  The fact that although immigrants are coming into the United States from different areas, and different credentials, is interesting especially in seeing that they are still receiving the same low level jobs.  Immigrants were initially hired in factories because they were available for low pay, this is still in existence.  Today they are also hired in the poultry industry because they are available for low pay.  And just as in earlier immigration periods, they are paid little because of the large number of suitable workers for these positions as there are always new immigrants coming into the country.  This was mentioned in the article as the rejuvenation and replenishment of the immigrant population.

Besides this continuity between the immigrant groups, the main difference that truly stuck out to me was the difference in where these groups are heading to live.  Though the popular cities and states still have higher percentages of immigrant population, more and more immigrants are moving into cities which have never experienced immigration on such a personal level within close proximity.  It is interesting to see how the economic situation of the United States and the world is affecting everything, even immigration.  I wonder if once we climb out of recession and into economic stability if immigrant groups will once again move into these more popular regions.

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