Islam and the Left: An Unholy Alliance

Common traits of dualism, collectivism, and statism bind this caustic alliance and make it ever stronger. Islam is predicated on the collective good of the Umma; the individual is important inasmuch as he contributes to the good of Muslim society, and obeys the dictatorship (the command of Allah as found in the Koran). (McCarthy, 161) Furthermore, such a government, must necessarily redistribute wealth among the Umma, as well as control of all means of production—as the Prophet Mohammed has shown through his own example. “The cardinal principle that Islam ratifies is that the individual is, in a way, a steward of his own property on behalf of society; his tenure of property is more of a duty than an actual possession”. (McCarthy, 183) Ultimately, all property belongs to Allah—and thus an Islamic figurehead is free to determine the equitable distribution of its profit unto the Umma. Thus the Islamists, in performing their acts of Jihad, are envisioning the imposition of a totalitarian and theocentric Islamic government on the Western world. They realize that this may not become a reality anytime soon, or in their lifetime even, but they are convinced that eventually—be it through violent jihad or jiad by Dawa—the West will fall and submit to their (or Allah’s) will. The radical left is similarly optimistic, and of course, has much reason to be as the established order has been ebbing ever since Barack Hussein Obama took office.

President Obama, the most far-left president ever to take the highest U.S office, has single-handedly reversed many of the constitutional freedoms which have guaranteed our liberty since the birth of this country (and if he hasn’t yet, he certainly plans to). One need look no further than the Universal Healthcare bill in order to see evidence of this in action. Contrary to constitutional principles of limited government interference in intra-state commerce, to the freedom of the individual to purchase goods as he/she sees fit according to market prices free of coercion, as well as to the capitalist notion of a merit-based socioeconomic system, the Universal Healthcare law is one step further along the road to the imposition of Sharia law in the United States. It may not call for Islamic theocentrism or be a direct result of the sabotage of the Islamists, but its animating ideology is essentially what allows for Islamists to fulfill their dream of taking out the capitalist order. Islamists do not believe in a separation of church and state, nor do they believe in a secular government. As demonstrated earlier, their concept of property rights resembles that of socialism—and their inflammatory beliefs regarding materialism are well documented. Thus it is only natural to assume that the cardinal enemy of Islamic fundamentalism is the secular-materialist-capitalist order pioneered by the West, and namely, the U.S—the very same order which the Obama administration has been taking down piece by piece, since 2008. It does not require special equipment to see then, that half of the job of the Islamists in taking down the current order is being done by the current order itself. Once the constitution has lost its supreme position as Law of the land, it will be an easy task for the Islamist to fashion the remains into his societal system of choice.

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