Islam and the Left: An Unholy Alliance

The immediate reaction to the events of 9/11 by both the American people and the U.S. government was overwhelming. Service men and women from all over the country flew to New York to volunteer their services, millions of dollars in relief efforts were donated to the cause across the country and the world, and much of the world exhibited a strong sympathy to our plight. President George W. Bush didn’t waste much time in declaring a ‘War on Terror’ against Al Qaeda and other global terrorist operatives. This led to the passing of the Patriot Act, a piece of legislation which essentially trades a citizen’s privacy for additional security in dire times and further culminated in the War in Iraq—an oft debated war effort to infiltrate terrorist networks which were based there (as well as key targets such as Sadam Hussein and Osama bin Laden), and determine whether they possessed weapons of mass destruction. The terrorists were labeled Muslim Extremists and their goals, we were told, were to engage the West in violent acts of terror, separating them from their peaceable Muslim counterparts who had no such inclination. U.S Citizens all over the country were vigilant, understanding that the threat their country faced was sincere and not combatable by normal means.

They were right of course. These terrorist threats could not be dealt with easily. What they did not understand however, was that these were not isolated acts, nor were they carried out for their own sake: they were consistent, purposeful, and calculated doctrine-driven attacks on Western values in an attempt to take down the existing power structure, and insert in its place an Islamic Order. This may be appalling to many of us, who in our current day and age (nigh 10 years removed from the events of 9.11) have forgotten those terrible events ‘so long ago’, and submitted to the media-driven fantasy of the ‘Religion of Peace’.  For those people, the following tidbit of information may be interesting: “A 2007 poll by the Pew Research center finds that 13% of Muslims in America believe the “use of suicide bombing against civilian targets to defend Islam from its enemies” is justifiable”. (McCarthy, 22) This may seem like a small percentage, but assuming an estimate of 3 million Muslims in America, this amounts to almost half a million people. It doesn’t need telling that it took only 19 to carry out the events of September 11th. (McCarthy, 22)

Acknowledging this data begs the question(s): What is it about Islam that allows it to be so widely appropriated (or, as some believe, misappropriated) to the cause of violence and terror against the secular Western world? Why is the ‘Religion of Peace’, with flourishing cries of “Allahu Akbar!” cited as the root motivation behind a staggering proportion of global acts of terrorist violence? How is it that, despite convincing evidence of radicalized Islamist ideologies–bent on destroying the United States—at work  behind the actions of the Islamic ‘extremists’,the U.S government—especially the political left and its puppets in the media refuse to acknowledge the threat for what it is: a concentrated effort at imposing Islamic Law (Sharia) on the West?

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