Pirandello’s Six Characters…

Late thoughts on Six Characters in Search of an Author

First things first, thank you so very much Professor Drabik for the press tickets! They were absolutely amazing and the play was confoundingly great. My apologies for not bringing up my thoughts about the play during class, but here they are.

The play was pretty brilliantly produced. The way they used the lighting, the shadows, and the stage in order to alter the way we saw certain things and make us view things the way they wanted us to. It was all just so brilliantly planned and acted out. There were a couple of things that I was wondering about after the play:
1) Who exactly was the woman sewing at the beginning, and what was her purpose in the play? Could she be the author (although unlikely, just kind of a random thought)? – I only recall seeing her at the beginning, at the end, and when she brought out the bird with the cage.
2) Why was the name of the little girl (Rosetta) mentioned once and only once, while every other time she was just referred to as the child?
3) The director said at one point that the characters themselves were the authors or something along those lines. Could the six characters be the authors themselves?

During class many people were debating the idea of whether it was fiction or reality. In my opinion, there was no doubt it was fiction. During the scene where they were behind the curtain and both the actors and the characters were yelling “Reality!, Fiction!”, but afterwards only the actors appeared up front, dazed and confused. I think that this meant the actors were so “into their roles” during rehearsal, for lack of a better term, that they essentially brought to life these six characters and their story. Of course the experience is real, but that still doesn’t make the fiction a reality. The six characters and their story are still just words on a page.


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