Orchestra at Carnegie Hall

Although I am not a huge fan of classical music, the Orchestra of St. Luke’s was enjoyable. What struck me as the most interesting was the movement, which flowed through every aspect of the orchestra. You could trace it from the movements of the conductor which varied based on the emotion conveyed, to each individual moving with passion while playing their intruments, to each section of the orchestra as a whole, and was tied together by the movement of the music which flowed through the hall. I found myself not only listening to the music but also watching each group of instruments move with the music, in a way, from these movement I could deduce the emotion which the music conveyed without even really listening. At parts where the music would become militant I could tell by the vigorous movement of the conductor in unison with the violent stabs of violinist’s bows into the air almost like an army of soldiers saluting or when it was sad I could see the slowness and gentleness in the orchestra’s movements it was really interesting. I also was not expecting to see another opera but the last performance was great and the storyline was amazing, although I did get a bit lost while trying to read the translations. It was through and through a good experience and the hall was very beautiful.IMG_7992

One thought on “Orchestra at Carnegie Hall

  1. I hadn’t really expected so much movement along with the music either. It’s as if seeing the conductor and the orchestra move with the music made the music come alive in a way as well.

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