MoMa PS1

I enjoyed my visit to MoMa PS1 on Friday with Joshua and Kevin. I only saw the zero tolerance exhibit because there was so much that I felt I could not retain anymore knowledge of the other exhibits on that day.

There were many photographs and videos showing unique events and forms of expression. The videos really grabbed my attention especially because the second room I entered was full of TVs showing mostly uprisings and protests in Poland, the country my parents are from. One video that surprised me was a group of gay people calling for a medicinal cure to their homosexuality. They claimed that reason was not a good enough excuse for them to renounce their homosexuality, and they tried to let others know that it was not their choice to be gay. At the museum, I was surprised to see an openly gay protest since Poles do not like gay people. I did not know that if there were gay people in Poland, they would let everyone know about it because they are at risk of being ridiculed and discriminated. This video helped me realize the challenges some people go through in a place I thought I was familiar with. One of the photos that I found interesting showed a rock glued to Tienamin Square in China because it shows the small change someone can make to the featureless ground.

I recommend my peers go to this museum to see all its unique art, and for the ideal price if you’re a Macaulay student: $0.

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