Disgraced Reaction

Ayad Akhtar’s Pulitzer Prize winning play Disgraced opens up one of the most significant questions that can be discussed in our current society: to what extent are we truly an open and accepting culture? As the show specifically deals with Islamophobia in New York City, it toys with the ideas of underlying resentment toward Muslims and general xenophobia in one of the world’s most progressive societies. The show particularly stuck with me because of the more radical ideas that it presented, many of which are both anti-American and anti-Muslim. I left that night vastly disgusted with the points of view presented and could not imagine why someone would create a play to spread such viewpoints. However, the show left me thinking. I realize now that such radical ideas were included purposefully; they were not meant to be agreeable, but rather to present to the audience underlying issues in our own society and make us question our own beliefs and ideals. I loved Disgraced for more than just its depth of characters and enthralling storyline, but for the conversation it opened up which our society desperately needs to have.

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