The New Demography

The world average fertility rate has fallen to approximately 2.5 children per woman, while the world population is expected to increase to over 11 billion by 2100. These two facts tell a layered tale of global population trends that is split by economic development. The least developed countries will see the greatest population increase, while […]

5,500 and Counting

A cloudy, calm day greeted Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A cool 62 degrees reigned over the day as a Saturday passed, giving way to what was supposed to be another regular Sunday. 07:09:08.90 UTC, Apr 26, 2015 The ground cracked and separated beneath feet. Buildings crashed to their doom. Chaos reared its manic head […]

A Modern Traders’ Route

The New Silk Road is China’s latest and most ambitious attempt to foster economic relations: two proposed trade routes, one sea-based and one land-based, that seek to integrate Central and South Asian economies with China and Europe. The Maritime Silk Road makes stops in South Asia before it circles over to Nairobi and then, throughout Europe. […]

Finishing Up in the Oval

In what is supposed to be the nation’s house of compromise, consistent discord and legislative procrastination seems to prevail. The upcoming 2016 election season has already begun leaving most politicians in a frenzy with prominent members of Congress seeking the Presidential nomination off on their personal campaigns. That leaves us with really just one ace in […]

Against All Odds

The two main political parties of Bangladesh are in an open war with each other. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of the Awami League leads a campaign of suppression against the opposition, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), arresting several prominent BNP members and placing BNP leader Khaleda Zia under house arrest. (The Awami League won the […]