Uncertain Fate for Greek Life at Baruch

In the aftermath of the traumatic death of Baruch freshman, Chun Hsien Deng (also referred to as “Michael”) during a fraternity initiation in December 2013, Greek life at the CUNY college may cease altogether. Michael Deng, the victim in the well-publicized crime, was brutally hazed during the Pi Delta Psi initiation rite that took place nearly […]


5,500 and Counting

A cloudy, calm day greeted Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A cool 62 degrees reigned over the day as a Saturday passed, giving way to what was supposed to be another regular Sunday. 07:09:08.90 UTC, Apr 26, 2015 The ground cracked and separated beneath feet. Buildings crashed to their doom. Chaos reared its manic head […]

Selections from Humans of Macaulay: Part 3

See Part 1 here and Part 2 here. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Adam Hobbins Class: Freshman Campus: Hunter Major: Undecided “I really like film and the production aspects of it. I’m a member of Pied (Macaulay Filmmakers Club).” “Have you produced any films yet?” “Through them, yeah. I have assisted directed a bunch of their films. It was […]

A Modern Traders’ Route

The New Silk Road is China’s latest and most ambitious attempt to foster economic relations: two proposed trade routes, one sea-based and one land-based, that seek to integrate Central and South Asian economies with China and Europe. The Maritime Silk Road makes stops in South Asia before it circles over to Nairobi and then, throughout Europe. […]

So here’s the deal, kid…

This month, we asked Macaulay seniors to submit a couple of sentences that they would tell themselves before they started college knowing all that they know now. Thank you to everyone for their honest and thought-provoking responses. We wish all of the seniors the best of luck in the next chapter of their lives! 🙂 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Worry […]

The Potential of Dental Stem Cells

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have isolated human dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) from healthy wisdom teeth. These stem cells offer “a new source of corneal transplant tissue made from the patient’s own cells,” according to a press release from the university. Stem cell research is an exciting and slowly progressing […]