Joe Salvo talk + Assignments due Feb 10

Don’t forget: class on Tuesday, February 10 is at Brooklyn College! Scroll through the announcements or follow the link on the readings page to find the exact directions.

By class time, you should have completed Assignment #1 (follow the link or look on the syllabus for details). Bring a hard copy to class, and post it on the class site using the category “Our Migration Stories”.

You are also required to write a one page double-spaced report on the most surprising thing you learned from Joe Salvo’s presentation. You don’t need to post this, just bring the hard copy to class. For those of you who were unable to attend the talk, you can browse the slides below. There’s a lot to learn just by looking at the slides! If you want to follow up, Joe’s information comes from the report issued by his office called the Newest New Yorkers.

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