Red Meat Consumption Among Brooklyn College Undergraduate StudentsRed Meat Consumption Among Brooklyn College Undergraduate Students

Authors: Nitu Farhin, Abby Tuachi, Iman Siddiqui, Lumari Sosa

Our project was inspired by the research study by Selinske et. al (2020), We have a steak in it: Eliciting interventions to reduce beef consumption and its impact on biodiversity. We selected five of the high efficacy interventions geared towards the general public, to be rated by Brooklyn College undergraduate students based on how they would feel towards reducing their red meat consumption. We also asked about their knowledge about climate change, current diets, and general interest towards this topic in our survey.

We hope that people take away that while climate change is a monster of a global issue, and there are many aspects that the average citizen cannot change. However because we can control our consumption of red meat, this is what we should start with.

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