Authors: Nitu Farhin, Abby Tuachi, Iman Siddiqui, Lumari Sosa
Our project was inspired by the research study by Selinske et. al (2020), We have a steak in it: Eliciting interventions to reduce beef consumption and its impact on biodiversity. We selected five of the high efficacy interventions geared towards the general public, to be rated by Brooklyn College undergraduate students based on how they would feel towards reducing their red meat consumption. We also asked about their knowledge about climate change, current diets, and general interest towards this topic in our survey.
We hope that people take away that while climate change is a monster of a global issue, and there are many aspects that the average citizen cannot change. However because we can control our consumption of red meat, this is what we should start with.
December 20, 2022 — 10:23 pm
Hello, I really love the theme you chose for this poster, I think it’s relevant to the topic of course, but also fun to look at. I also liked how you related it to your school’s students and had a very specific subject group, not just NYC as a whole.
December 20, 2022 — 11:24 pm
This is such a great poster, I would’ve never thought about researching red meat consumption in relation to negative environmental impacts. And the fact that you included students to make it more interactive was such a great idea. Really informative poster!!
Tahmid Chowdhury
December 20, 2022 — 11:57 pm
I enjoyed learning about the five interventions and people’s opinions with regard to the most effective and least effective interventions. After all, despite being considered the least effective method, intervention 4 predominantly received a ⅗ or higher rating, which indicates that all of the interventions are generally perceived to be quite effective as you explained in the conclusion. Would schools consider adding cooking classes into their curriculum to encourage less red meat consumption? How can students and faculty advocate for such an addition to the curriculum?
December 21, 2022 — 11:42 am
I personally didn’t know red meat was consumption was bad for the environment before seeing this poster, but the fun theme caught my eye and prompted a read-through. It would’ve been great if some more background information was included for viewers like me to learn about the science behind it.
December 21, 2022 — 12:30 pm
Your poster layout and theme are everything! It relates to the topic you are discussing but does not lack any information. It was a great idea to have your sample come from undergrad students and the amount of data that you were able to gather. I do wonder if the responses would be different if the survey was taken by older individuals, or how other factors, other than being college students, might affect the overall responses to which intervention is the most effective.