How breaking and sneakers relate to culture and the arts
As time progresses, breaking and sneakers have a more significant importance to culture and art that has never been seen before.
As time progresses, breaking and sneakers have a more significant importance to culture and art that has never been seen before.
Both Carrie Mae Weems and 21 Savage are exceptional artists in their field. Their specialities are on different ends of the art scheme, but it seems that there are some similarities between them as well. This presentation compares 21 Savage’s music video for his song “A Lot” ft. J Cole with Carrie Mae Weems’ “The Kitchen Table Series”.
How do two musicals from different eras demonstrate racial representation?
I combined Van Gogh and the art of graffiti by painting Starry Night’s sky over a graffitied New York City Skyline.
An exploration and analysis of different art forms prevalent in NYC and their takes on how to represent mental health struggles and their impact on other arts openly discussing the taboo topic.
An analysis of the effects of societies expectations and racialized stigma within the black community and from other races through Suzan-Lori Parks, TopDog/UnderDog and Carrie Mae Weems, Ain’t Jokin.
Inspired by Howardena Pindells’s Untitled #87b and the dance form of breaking, I hope to show the emotions felt by b-girls, a group overlooked within the dance sport.
Every year each team in the NBA creates city edition uniforms. These uniforms are supposed to represent the cities that the teams play in. This year the Brooklyn Nets made their city edition uniforms inspire by Brooklyn born artist Jean- Michel Basquiat. Basquiat is known for his raw, messy art with graffiti like text, and that is exactly what the Brooklyn Nets put on their jerseys this year.
I discuss the Broadway musical KPOP and compare it to Spring Day by BTS. In addition, I drew two illustrations to represent each.
Inspired by “Brown Girls” by Daphne Palasi Andreades, a short film about a writer who dedicates her short story to Queens and the people of color who live there.