“All lives end, but some are deemed more important than others.”
“All lives end, but some are deemed more important than others.”
How have black artists’ views on black futurity changed over time? Learn from our video, where we guide you through our curatorial exhibition.
A panel that presents the memories that we as a cohort at Lehman have made together other the last semester.
We studied the invasive spotted lanternfly’s presence in NYC parks and its relationship to the also invasive tree-of-heaven.
Tree of Heaven, or Ailanthus altissima, is an invasive plant species that has disrupted NYC’s urban ecology. In this project, we analyzed its influence and methods to control its spread.
The Arts in NYC Seminar emphasized how NYC is our classroom! Exposé reveals the journey of exploring and redefining this truth.
Our study aims to answer the following: How will Ailanthus altissima affect New York City’s urban landscape over time?
Our display will blow your socks off with our loving interpretation of our Macaulay experience featuring dancers, memories, art, and inside jokes.
Pay attention to your thoughts and your movements. Motion isn’t just physical; it represents our emotions and our desire to express them.