Spotted Lanternfly Populations at Randall’s Island
This project examines the population growth of spotted lanternflies at Randall’s Island based on iNaturalist data gathered at the Macaulay annual BioBlitz.
This project examines the population growth of spotted lanternflies at Randall’s Island based on iNaturalist data gathered at the Macaulay annual BioBlitz.
In this research project, our group focused on how the climate of New York City alters the growth of domesticated flowers, specifically the Coneflower. Post-BioBlitz, we noticed its variation in that growth on Randall’s Island. We then decided to compare the potential environmental impacts of Randall’s Island and the High Line that could impact the growth of coneflowers. Our results led us to conclude that the environment of New York City impacts coneflower growth. Although we were limited in our research, in the future, we hope to study Coneflower growth throughout the five boroughs to further support our conclusion.