Month: September 2015 (Page 10 of 10)

Hey, I am Anthony Chen

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take

Hi, my name is Anthony Chen, and I am originally from Queens, New York. At the end of second grade, I officially moved to Plainview, Long Island, where I was nurtured and developed into who I am today. This moment in my life would be a drastic changing point because I not only left my former friends, but also had to adjust to a new academically competitive environment. However, I persisted to strive for greatness.

I would consider myself as an ambitious, compassionate, and assiduous individual. I have a strong mathematics background ever since I started school, so this is why I chose to pursue an actuary major at Baruch. In high school I also participated in Student Government, so I hope that  will be put to  further use in  articulating my ideas to others.  I am also an avid reader, and  a talent in drawing (I hope this class will shake off some rust).

What most people overlook about my studious demeanor is my  strong passion for the game of basketball. The sport is second nature to me because it has been my childhood. To this day I still practice my handles and J’s at my local park.

While we bring this topic up, my personal idol, and the best idealistic representation of myself would be Jeremy Lin. Lin made a name for himself in the NBA ever since his eruption in the Linsanity-Knicks era. It was through his dedication and perseverance in training that led him to carry his team when they needed him most. He made the most of his slim opportunities.

As I reflect back, I feel that high school is a time in which one makes lasting friendships and preparing for the road ahead. College is a new terrain in which a person will meet new people, experience great things, and discover how to impact the world (and of course be self-sufficient).


Hey, I am Ahmed Farooq

When we step on to that field, it is no joke. We are ready to sacrifice our bodies for the team. We must have a kill-or-be-killed mentality. To my right, Danny, I’ve known him since kindergarten, the elementary bus rides home were jovial, but this is different, this is real. A mistake here means one of our own going down, a mistake here is the difference between winning and losing. Danny and the rest of the team is trusting me to keep the enemy out, I must do this. If the hungry, 250 lb defender gets by me, there is nothing separating him from my quarterbacks blindside; He foams for this opportunity. Because of Football I have brothers, I have trusted and been trusted with the responsibility of looking out for my own. The experience that athletics, and specifically football, has afforded me is unlike any other. The camaraderie that is developed between teammates is awe inspiring. This is why I love sports.

Other than my passion about sports, I feel I am just like everyone else; I can eat till I pass out, whenever I start a new show on netflix that i really like, i watch the entire season in one night, I enjoy learning new things but I find myself annoyed with school whenever I stay up till 3 doing a paper thats due the next day.

Macaulay Honors College was my number one choice of college and I feel very blessed to be here. My favorite part has been meeting and talking to all my amazing new classmates. I look around in my classes and I hear the accomplishments that you all have made and the goals that you are striving for make me think to myself, “how did I end up here?” (in a good way).

The quarterback (white jersey) is being “blindesided” by the defender because number 62 (white jersey on left) failed to do his job

Hey, I’m Maxwell Sternberg

My name is Maxwell Sternberg and I am from Lawrence, New York. I plan to major in the area of Business, however, I have not decided exactly what yet. My whole life I have been a passionate sports fan; and an even bigger fan of playing all those sports. I believe it was my competitive drive that pushed me to start playing basketball, tennis, football, and hockey. It wasn’t until later that I found my favorite sport, golf. When I picked up golf I discovered that it was a sport where I could compete against myself, and then in effect push myself to do better everyday. That lesson, along with others such as patience, have shaped me into the person I am today. Being  in New York City for college I was nervous that I was not going to be able to golf as frequently as I used to. Fortunately, I realized that by going to class everyday I can implement the lessons and values that I enjoyed on the course. Another thing about golf which really appealed to me was the serenity of the course. I feel that when I am on the course all is calm, no matter how bad my round is. The course is truly a haven for me. My hope is that wherever I study abroad I will visit all the cool golf courses that I would have never been able to play. I am looking forward to this class, and all the knowledge I can gain about the Arts in NYC.





Hey, I’m Stella Kang

Hey, I’m Stella Kang.

Officially, I was born on Long Island as a blonde Korean-american named Stella Kris Kang. The hair color changed after three days. However, to commemorate those days, I recently dyed my hair to a similar color. One might say this was a rebellious act against my mother right out of high school. I just wanted to go blonde.

Throughout high school career I’ve explored several areas of study, however, I can’t say that I’m sure about what I want to do in the future. I’ve spent most of high school involved in the classical music and my high school orchestra. I started playing piano when I was about four years old, followed by the violin, the viola, and the guitar. Though I’ve spent a lot of my life invested in music, I decided that it wasn’t something I’m particularly passionate about, and that it would have to remain a hobby while I explored for a greater passion. I played volleyball and join a local archery tournament. I also attended acting/theatre school for a summer. And I read plenty of books. But still, nothing for sure.

Violin_VL100 That is, until my senior year of high school. I took an AP Microeconomics course, and found it to be the most naturally intriguing class of my high school career. I found that the study of something that consistently affects my life was incredibly fascinating, and I decided that I would spend my undergraduate career studying business. I’ve also discovered a big interest in makeup and fashion, so combining that with business, I’ve begun research on the fashion marketing industry.  I don’t know whats going to happen four years from now. But I’m excited to continue exploring myself and my surroundings. Perhaps I’ll find something new, or perhaps I’ll love what I already love even more.


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