Hunger for Help

Hunger for Help

Video by Emily Weiss, Zuzanna Osiecka, Keti Tsotskolauri and Borys Shturman


  1. Zhaolin (Jason) Tong

    One thing that stuck out to me in the beginning of the video is the disembodied voice of Emily. The inner conflict is quite interesting in that it parallels the title of the scene “hunger for help.” However, I’m not sure what Emily was doing in the bathroom towards the end. Was that an artistic choice? I did get the general sense of how Zuzanna had to “help” her as a friend. In the end, we do see the issue being resolved, unlike Moritz in the play–I’m assuming you guys modeled the scene after Moritz’s suicide? It’s quite interesting how you guys diverted from Moritz ultimate death with a “resolution” of the problem. Great job!

    • photographerkt18

      In that scene Emily is supposed to be throwing up.

  2. sabrina

    Your video had a good and understandable story that the audience knew what the problem was. Emily’s eating problem was portrayed clearly through the great acting and I am glad that there was a solution at the end. The whole scene from the beginning made it look like everything was normal when inside Emily was dealing with her own conflict. The story really builds from the beginning to the end.

  3. matthewlam

    The story for this video was clear as soon as it begun, which bring out a very clear message. The title for the video was very clever because it described both the eating disorders that exist and how people need to seek help when they have a problem. The mirroring was amazing from the start which makes the audience think that everyone is the same, however as the scenes progressed the audience could see that not everyone is perfect. The first step to any problem is admitting that you have a problem or else it would take longer for you to solve your problem.

  4. Vincent Gangemi

    As someone who has had loved ones who suffered from not only weigh issues but also bulimia, this video really hits close to home. I do enjoy the fact that your projects, unlike many other projects, has a final message about how it is okay to seek help. Mental disorders such as eating disorders are something that are often trivialized in the modern world and your video does a good job at encouraging a brighter tomorrow for those who are suffering.

  5. Tan Yee Yeung

    I like how positive the ending is. It shows how support from friends and family can really help. It ended on a happy note with Emily and Zuzanna in a warm embrace and an upbeat melody. The setting was really pretty and relevant to the plot. It is interesting that instead of music in the background, there are random sounds such as walking sound, running water, brushing teeth, and doors opening and closing. The title is also really clever. This video sends a positive message on how people suffering from mental disorders can seek help from their friends and families.

  6. Ahmed Farooq

    2 things that stood out to me as I watched was 1) I truly bad for Emily as she had an internal conflict of whether or not to eat when she was hungry and 2) I really liked the ending as Emily and her inner conscious (I think Zuzanna was playing Emily’s inner conscious) embraced and they finally achieved some sort of homeostasis. As a side note, I felt the transitions in the video were smooth and the camera angles were well placed.

  7. johncasella

    It was a nice surprise to find out that this video had a happy ending! Emily’s pain was clearly conveyed through her eating disorder. I like that Zuzanna didn’t actually know that Emily had an eating disorder, because many times in society we keep in our darkest secrets and don’t tell them to the people closest to us. It made the story that more believable. The slow motion scene when Zuzanna comforts Emily was brilliantly done. The whole atmosphere with Emily looking out the window to inspirational music exemplifies that a “brighter future” is coming Emily’s way. Overall, awesome job!

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