When I was nine years old my mom took me to see my first dance performance, The Nutcracker. Since that day, every year around Christmas time we go to any theatre we can find and watch the show in awe as if we have never seen it before. To me, dance is one of the most beautiful forms of expression. There is so much emotion and passion behind it, you can’t help but to submerge yourself in the allure of it.
I was surprised while reading the history of dance in the black community. I have learned that slaves used songs to cope with their harsh conditions, but I have never heard of slaves using dance to build up their stamina to prepare themselves for uprisings against their white masters. Dance has been a part of their culture and a way to get by for centuries. I think it is amazing that choreographers, such as Kyle Abraham, include the traditions of their ancestors in dances today. For example, “The Watershed”, one of the performances he choreographed, is inspired by the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, the 1960s, and the Civil Rights Movement. He considered the gains and losses that African-Americans have had over the years and how they view them today to create a story and convey those feelings through the choreography. In another one of his works, titled, “When the Wolves Came In”, he used a unique subject and related it to the message of the dance. Abraham came across a local news story in his hometown of Pittsburgh about a boy that fell into a pit of Africa dogs in the zoo and was mauled to death. Instead of building a higher fence or placing the dogs in a different part of the zoo, they killed them. The incident grabbed Abraham’s attention, and he connected it to our views about “perception, race and identity”. He was able to link modern human behavior with the history of maltreatment that African-Americans had to endure.
When we think of art, dance is not usually the first thing we think of. However, throughout history it has been a vital means of expressing ourselves. It is important to consider dance just as significant as any other artistic expression because it usually has a story and meaning behind it.
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