Often times, people go about their day in a routine format. They go straight to and from work or school. Rarely, do these people ever take time to pause, look at their surroundings, and say to themselves, “Look at how pretty these falling leaves are. Look at this intricately woven spider web.” This is exactly what Jim Toia did.
Not only did Toia take time to absorb the beauties of nature, but he also tried to preserve the the beauties he saw in nature and transform them into art. In the NY Times article, “Pieces of Nature Preserved as Art at the New Jersey State Museum,” Tammy La Gorce talks about how Mr. Toia transfers spider webs among other things onto paper and preserve them as pieces of art for display. What Mr.Toia does to preserve these webs is that when he sees a spider web he will first scare off the spider. Then he would spray the spider web with oil stain and transfer the web onto paper. Below you can see one of Toia’s spider web arts.

The artist Jim Toia captures nature in his work, currently on display at the New Jersey State Museum. Here, “Galileo’s Gaze” (2007), oil and spiderweb on antique register paper.
As a “nature obsessed” artist, as the New York Times calls Toia, Toia saids that art is essentially all around us. His only job as an artist is to capture and preserve the art that nature has already been given to us. The method of preservation, however, I think is up for dispute.
I think that Toia’s art does not necessarily have to embody the physical aspect of the art that he is trying to capture. Every time that Toia sees a spider, he takes away the spiders web for art. The spider then becomes homeless and has to rebuild his home. Sometimes, Toia invades the home of the same spider multiple times just to obtain the same web. Although Toia states that he feels bad for taking the web of the spider, he usually just brushes the guilt off and says to the spider “Sorry to take it from you buddy. But you did a great job.” I understand that Toia at least isn’t killing the spider to obtain his form of art. But I personally think that Toia should change his medium of preserving art. Instead of physically taking the spider web, he could take pictures. Pictures still capture the essence of the beauty of nature that Toia is trying to create, even though the web is not actually on the photo. For his works of art like the “Ant Colny Cast” I think there art alternative ways to creating the cast, such as using a 3D printer, so it isn’t neccesary to cast the actual ant colony. Personally, I would rather Toia’s art not effect the natural habitats of the organisms that he is trying to capture.

“Ant Colony Cast”
Overall, I think that Toia’s creation of art using nature and what is in our surroundings is a great idea. I would love to see some of his works at the New Jersey State Museum. I think seeing the art works in person will certainly have a different effect on me.
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