Category Archives: Uncategorized

Neighborhood Change: Race and Social Class

In the various neighborhoods throughout New York City’s history, shifts in the populations of residents in areas, underscored in places as Corona or Five Points, were routinely incited by ignorance, racism, and a fear of the decline in value of … Continue reading

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“Comment” 4/3

I knew I recognized Riis! Anbinder introduces his chapter on changes in Five Points by telling the story of Jacob Riis, a journalist and author of How the Other Half Lives, whom I recognize from history class in high school. … Continue reading

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Reaction to Readings

This week’s readings repeated our class discussions about institutionalized racism. I find it quite disturbing that attempts to improve living conditions in the slums were systematically aborted by the government’s open racism. This seems a bit strange to me, since … Continue reading

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Reaction 4-2-2012

I believe the majority of this week’s readings concerned race and how it affected certain neighborhoods. A lot of the information, I feel, was repetitive and discussed numerous times in class. However what I did find interesting was the parallels … Continue reading

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Comment 4/2

I found it interesting that legislation was passed to improve tenement housing. Windows were required in each room,  outhouses and/or toilets had to be connected to sewer lines, the amount of people allowed to live in an apartment was limited, … Continue reading

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Reaction 4.2.12

I found the discussion of race in the Foner reading to be very interesting. The selection begins with an analysis of South Eastern Europeans and Jews and their struggle to become classified as “white.” I was always puzzled by this, … Continue reading

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Reaction 4-2-2012

The reading by Anbinder describes how politicians and the City of New York attempted to clean up the slums of Five Points; although minor improvements did manifest themselves in the area, Five Points soon resumes its place as the most … Continue reading

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Obtaining and Using Demographic Data

There are two websites that will be useful to you if you are planning on using census data or other NYC related data.  Both of these sites can be accessed for free without having to set up an account as … Continue reading

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4/2/12 Response

Racial discrimination is rooted in fears of the unknown.  In my ancient art history class we learned about the Greek culture and how everyone outside their territories were considered barbarians.  For many people it is much easier to write others … Continue reading

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Racial discrimination is rooted in fears of the unknown.  In my ancient art history class we learned about the Greek culture and how everyone outside their territories were considered barbarians.  For many people it is much easier to write others … Continue reading

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