Category Archives: Uncategorized

February 7 Spark- Jackie Shay

In the Introduction of The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Jane Jacobs criticizes city planning and building. However, since this book was published in 1992, it is important to note that there have been many changes in the … Continue reading

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Ignite: Spark for Feb. 7th by Elizabeth Langer

Five points, a slum, was noted as one of the worst neighborhoods in New York City around the mid 19th century.  It could have even be considered one of the worst in the world; it definitely gained a world-wide reputation. … Continue reading

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Welcome to Seminar Two

Welcome to our class blog.  You will be posting reading responses and other assignments to this page over the course of the semester. To register to the site, click the “Add Me” button in the right-hand sidebar.

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