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Category Archives: Residence

appartement search

The apartment search was interesting… at times it was mad difficult and then at the end it seemed a piece of cake. It took us 6 days from start to finish and we wound up with a large flat and wonderful landlords- Victoria and I got lucky! Initially it was going to be Victoria, Jacqui […]

the hostel reflection

Pun intended but not true. This is not a hostile reflection, I promise. My only complaint is in regards to internet access- un petit probleme in an otherwise great place. I stayed for 6 nights at the Bureau des Voyages de la Jeunesse (BVJ) Louvre hostel in the 1st arrondissement of Paris. It’s right next […]

the first day

From Charles de Gaulle airport I took a train into the city. I had wonderfully simple english directions from a lady behind a ticket window. I don’t even remember how I got to that window. The train platforms were a little confusing. I missed the train by a few seconds but I wasn’t worried because they […]