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Category Archives: Life in Paris

la poste

Post offices here are weird. Everything here is weird. This is the magical world of experiencing cultural differences. Firstly, look for that yellow and blue symbol thing. Secondly, the post office is a private business. Thirdly, they speak French. C’est dommage. Fourthly, packages and envelopes are mailed with a machine. You select your language and then what type […]

hi again

Sincere apologies again for too many weeks without a post. This time it’s for real though, folks. This is spring break.  I have lots of babysitting but no classes. What does this mean? It means I’m stuck in Paris with hours and hours of free time. Let the back-blogging commence! The next series of posts […]

it has been a while

I know my followers are few in number, but I still feel terribly guilty. My last post was October 21st… today is January 23rd. What? How? I have no idea. Actually, I have a half excuse. One of my last posts mentioned a certain babysitting agency here in Paris… they didn’t like what I initially […]


A little while ago I was walking around an open market and was stopped by a guy with a camera. He was politely asking me something in French and I was totally lost. We figured out I needed English and he asked me to turn around so he could photograph my hair. I mean, my hair […]


Since landing in France I’ve gone through a few musical phases… I started with The Shins, cycled through a few random singles, and got into a little more Animal Collective. Finally today I found some modern French music! (I love Piaf, Gainsbourg, and Trenet as much as the next chap but they get old after […]