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Tag Archives: food

micefa dinner

Go to the Le Vieux Belleville. Don’t think about it, just do it. Done it? Good. Now we can share our wonderful experiences together. This night definitely had some Amelie charm for me. It was Friday the 13th- the last day of our language intensif classes. MICEFA was kind enough to schedule a celebratory dinner […]

the hostel reflection

Pun intended but not true. This is not a hostile reflection, I promise. My only complaint is in regards to internet access- un petit probleme in an otherwise great place. I stayed for 6 nights at the Bureau des Voyages de la Jeunesse (BVJ) Louvre hostel in the 1st arrondissement of Paris. It’s right next […]

the flight across the pond

So I flew with Icelandair because I knew the name and I wanted to fly with an airline, not a travel website like Expedia or Orbitz or countless others. I wanted to have one company responsible for my baggage and my complaints… not 3 different airlines and a travel company. So far, I do not […]