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the flight across the pond

So I flew with Icelandair because I knew the name and I wanted to fly with an airline, not a travel website like Expedia or Orbitz or countless others. I wanted to have one company responsible for my baggage and my complaints… not 3 different airlines and a travel company. So far, I do not regret this decision.

I want to tell you about my experience with Icelandair. Overall opinion: good. Entertainment was awesome. There were not 4, not 10, but 47 movies to choose from, as well as many popular TV shows. I was beside myself with excitement (and very conflicted as I had previously planned to get some sleep during the flight). Needless to say, I didn’t sleep for the first half of the trip.

Food was confusing. I was so excited about the movies that I missed the food announcement which went something like this: “If you want food, look in the menu for options and prices and order it from a stewardess. Complimentary drinks will be coming soon.” So when I got my weird little ginger ale can I assumed some funky airplane food would be coming an hour or so later. It did not. Luckily, I had a sandwich with me which I enjoyed during my second movie (thanks mom!).

On my second flight (out of Iceland’s capital city, Reykjavic) I heard all the announcements and figured it out. I almost missed my free drink though- it was very traumatic. The flight attendant was two rows away and I was extremely tired but wanted my drink before I napped. I blinked and suddenly my seatmates had water and tea and the attendant was serving the sleepy guy behind me. I’m kind of scared of people but I was so determined that I whipped around and probably shouted “excusez-moi… orange juice please?” It was delicious. I passed out on my fold-up tray and woke up over Paris.


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