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Tag Archives: micefa

micefa intensif

The MICEFA intensif course was way back in September for me but it’s important for me to write about it for those of you who are soon to experience it. It’s not scary, don’t worry. The first thing to be noted is expectation vs reality. I expected it to last 3 weeks. It was only a […]

working girl

The job search is over! Victory at long last is mine! For the last 2 weeks I’ve been babysitting/teaching english to a lovely almost 4-year-old in the 18th Arrondissement. I’m doing 7 hours per week at 10€ per hour which is not bad at all. Actually a lot of my job is transport… I bring […]

micefa dinner

Go to the Le Vieux Belleville. Don’t think about it, just do it. Done it? Good. Now we can share our wonderful experiences together. This night definitely had some Amelie charm for me. It was Friday the 13th- the last day of our language intensif classes. MICEFA was kind enough to schedule a celebratory dinner […]

boat tour

About a week ago MICEFA paid for us all to go on a boat cruise down the Seine! Not only did we get to see beaucoup de beautiful bridges and monuments, we were each given a ticket for a free crêpe and drink… my first crepe in Paris! My only crêpe in paris! My street has […]


I’ve hit a bit of a low point this weekend… nothing too dramatic, I promise. I haven’t been checked into a hospital or had my purse stolen. It’s just that I have no access to my bank account, no cash, no metro tickets, and no internet. Exagerating on the internet a little- Victoria is graciously […]