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Monthly Archives: September 2013


Registration was an interesting process. For those who don’t know, I’m studying at Paris 8-Saint Denis for my first semester (and then either staying for cinema courses or switching to Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle for the second semester). Registration was last week for us from the 16th to the 20th of September, but it’s different for […]

vogue paris – fashion’s night out

Oh my glob what a night. The plan was loose… we were all going to meet somewhere along Rue Saint-Honoré and figure things out from there. We knew we wanted the souvenir t-shirts. We knew we had to buy magazines to get them. That was about it. I had  an hour or so to kill. I wandered […]

micefa dinner

Go to the Le Vieux Belleville. Don’t think about it, just do it. Done it? Good. Now we can share our wonderful experiences together. This night definitely had some Amelie charm for me. It was Friday the 13th- the last day of our language intensif classes. MICEFA was kind enough to schedule a celebratory dinner […]

journée du patrimoine

Merde what a day. The Journée du Patrimoine happens once a year. It’s a weekend of mayhem during which dozens of private exhibits and historical sites open to the public. We arrived at 8:45am on Saturday to tour Le Palais de L’Élysée– Paris’s version of the White House. It was before opening time and the line […]

appartement search

The apartment search was interesting… at times it was mad difficult and then at the end it seemed a piece of cake. It took us 6 days from start to finish and we wound up with a large flat and wonderful landlords- Victoria and I got lucky! Initially it was going to be Victoria, Jacqui […]