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Monthly Archives: October 2013


A little while ago I was walking around an open market and was stopped by a guy with a camera. He was politely asking me something in French and I was totally lost. We figured out I needed English and he asked me to turn around so he could photograph my hair. I mean, my hair […]


Since landing in France I’ve gone through a few musical phases… I started with The Shins, cycled through a few random singles, and got into a little more Animal Collective. Finally today I found some modern French music! (I love Piaf, Gainsbourg, and Trenet as much as the next chap but they get old after […]

working girl

The job search is over! Victory at long last is mine! For the last 2 weeks I’ve been babysitting/teaching english to a lovely almost 4-year-old in the 18th Arrondissement. I’m doing 7 hours per week at 10€ per hour which is not bad at all. Actually a lot of my job is transport… I bring […]

how to throw a party in paris…


getting a student id

Getting the student ID is kind of weird… I’m guessing it’s different at each school but here’s my experience anyway. I woke up, made some mad delicious eggs, and left the apartment. Transport was simple- straight up to the last stop on the 13 line. When I got to campus though all I could do was spin […]