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Since landing in France I’ve gone through a few musical phases… I started with The Shins, cycled through a few random singles, and got into a little more Animal Collective. Finally today I found some modern French music! (I love Piaf, Gainsbourg, and Trenet as much as the next chap but they get old after a few rounds on shuffle).

I don’t know what the popular opinion is… I don’t know if the French see him as an annoying pop fool or a musical genius… but I like him a lot. Readers, meet Stromae. You may know him from ‘Alors on Danse’ which made the rounds in America but I tell you mes amies a lot of his other songs are way cooler. Check it.
Okay so I did include Alors on Danse…. but that random dude coaching Stromae is Lucien (Jamel Debbouze) from Amelie. Yes way. Yes. I just couldn’t leave it out after finding it.

If you haven’t seen Amelie… well you need to change that ASAP.

Fun Fact: French people like their slang like pig-latin… all mixed up and weird. Stromae is hip slang for maestro. C’est bizarre, n’est-ce pas?

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