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Category Archives: School

micefa intensif

The MICEFA intensif course was way back in September for me but it’s important for me to write about it for those of you who are soon to experience it. It’s not scary, don’t worry. The first thing to be noted is expectation vs reality. I expected it to last 3 weeks. It was only a […]

getting a student id

Getting the student ID is kind of weird… I’m guessing it’s different at each school but here’s my experience anyway. I woke up, made some mad delicious eggs, and left the apartment. Transport was simple- straight up to the last stop on the 13 line. When I got to campus though all I could do was spin […]


Registration was an interesting process. For those who don’t know, I’m studying at Paris 8-Saint Denis for my first semester (and then either staying for cinema courses or switching to Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle for the second semester). Registration was last week for us from the 16th to the 20th of September, but it’s different for […]