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Tag Archives: paris 8

getting a student id

Getting the student ID is kind of weird… I’m guessing it’s different at each school but here’s my experience anyway. I woke up, made some mad delicious eggs, and left the apartment. Transport was simple- straight up to the last stop on the 13 line. When I got to campus though all I could do was spin […]


Registration was an interesting process. For those who don’t know, I’m studying at Paris 8-Saint Denis for my first semester (and then either staying for cinema courses or switching to Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle for the second semester). Registration was last week for us from the 16th to the 20th of September, but it’s different for […]


I’ve hit a bit of a low point this weekend… nothing too dramatic, I promise. I haven’t been checked into a hospital or had my purse stolen. It’s just that I have no access to my bank account, no cash, no metro tickets, and no internet. Exagerating on the internet a little- Victoria is graciously […]