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Tag Archives: jacqui

vogue paris – fashion’s night out

Oh my glob what a night. The plan was loose… we were all going to meet somewhere along Rue Saint-Honoré and figure things out from there. We knew we wanted the souvenir t-shirts. We knew we had to buy magazines to get them. That was about it. I had  an hour or so to kill. I wandered […]

appartement search

The apartment search was interesting… at times it was mad difficult and then at the end it seemed a piece of cake. It took us 6 days from start to finish and we wound up with a large flat and wonderful landlords- Victoria and I got lucky! Initially it was going to be Victoria, Jacqui […]

boat tour

About a week ago MICEFA paid for us all to go on a boat cruise down the Seine! Not only did we get to see beaucoup de beautiful bridges and monuments, we were each given a ticket for a free crêpe and drink… my first crepe in Paris! My only crêpe in paris! My street has […]