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Monthly Archives: August 2013

the first day

From Charles de Gaulle airport I took a train into the city. I had wonderfully simple english directions from a lady behind a ticket window. I don’t even remember how I got to that window. The train platforms were a little confusing. I missed the train by a few seconds but I wasn’t worried because they […]

the flight across the pond

So I flew with Icelandair because I knew the name and I wanted to fly with an airline, not a travel website like Expedia or Orbitz or countless others. I wanted to have one company responsible for my baggage and my complaints… not 3 different airlines and a travel company. So far, I do not […]

the visa

Getting my visa was a bit of a nightmare. First came the email. “I’m hearing that appointments at the French consulate in NYC are now booked through early August…” We had previously been told to wait until we received a Campus France confirmation, but now all bets were off. I went straight to the consulate website only to see […]

buying plane tickets

So that was an interesting night… I’d been putting it off and putting it off for so long, buying my plane ticket seemed to be an impossible assignment. What if I got the wrong days or the wrong month by accident? What if I put in my information incorrectly and got turned away by the […]

what have i been doing?

So what have I been doing all summer? I’ve got three short weeks left until I set off for my year abroad. I’m underprepared and absolutely terrified, I can tell you that. Without further ado I present to you my wise old list of what to do during the summer/months before you leave. DO: -brush […]