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buying plane tickets

So that was an interesting night… I’d been putting it off and putting it off for so long, buying my plane ticket seemed to be an impossible assignment. What if I got the wrong days or the wrong month by accident? What if I put in my information incorrectly and got turned away by the airline? What if, after purchasing, the small print demanded high baggage fees and allowed no snacks on the plane?

As it turned out, everything was ok. I even hit the magic hour, apparently. It was late at night on a Wednesday (near midnight) when I made the purchase. This article on Yahoo Voices calls it “the time when any unbooked fares are heavily discounted for the public and made available for a quick sale.” Works for me!

I played it safe and went with the only familiar aspect of French travel- Icelandair. My high school french club went to France a few years ago and flew with Icelandair… Friends of mine that went had only the most wonderful things to say (I was busy doing the German exchange). They actually spent a day hanging out in Iceland… oh how I would love to do the same. Alas, I didn’t think to seek the option and wound up with short layovers each way (instead of a whole day or night).

My round trip wound up costing me almost exactly $12oo, and that includes an optional $25 insurance thing (I think for refund in case of inability to fly). This fit right into my Macaulay budget, so I was very happy, especially considering that I bought the tickets so late in the game. There were only a few seats left so I didn’t have much selection, but I didn’t mind at all. Officially, I recommend booking your flight earlier just so you have more options in flights and seats. Also I guess the magical Wednesday rule really works. Yay!

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