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A little while ago I was walking around an open market and was stopped by a guy with a camera. He was politely asking me something in French and I was totally lost. We figured out I needed English and he asked me to turn around so he could photograph my hair. I mean, my hair is pretty cool, but I was suspicious. What if I turned around and he stole my wallet out of my backpack? What if this was for a weird hair fetish? I quickly gave up worrying and just turned around. He snapped the shot and handed me a little slip with printed in bold red letters. Cool.

I thought nothing of it until this evening when I finally remembered to check out the site… Once there I quickly found my purple locks! I’m right in the middle of the redhead page (click here). I’m so famous it’s silly.

If you see this, Mr. Liotre Person, thanks for being so polite and for including me on your page! Vive la France! Or something.

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