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I am a Brooklyn College student entering my junior year.
I will be spending that year in Paris, France.
I don’t speak French.



My name is Cali and I maintain this eportfolio in the name of travel! It is high time I branch out into the world, and the CUNY/Paris exchange program affords me the perfect opportunity to do so. Me? I like cartoons, music, food, technicolor movies and weird clothing. I’m majoring in Television/Radio studies and minoring in French, even though I don’t yet speak it (the trip should render itself extremely useful). I hail from the tiny town of Olivebridge, NY, which is a stone’s throw from Woodstock (infamous for music, drugs and crazy hippies).
This site will hopefully keep me organized and help my family and friends stay updated on my adventures abroad (I’m notoriously bad at staying in touch). Fingers crossed that I’ll manage to document everything!

PS: If you want another (more organized) perspective, check out my roommate’s trip blog here. Another Brooklyn Macaulay girl in Paris!