Putnam-“E Plurius Unum” Response

Essentially, increased immigration has two effects on a society, the short-term and the long-term; while in the long run successful immigrant communities enrich their society and foster increased solidarity among their residents, their short-run affects are less than favorable. For instance, tensions and mistrust are greater in such communities at first, and altruism and cooperation within the communities are consequently lower. Putnam focuses on social networks and their importance in these communities, how they form, and what effects they have on a greater scale. For instance, social networks are important for both the people in them, and those around them. He states: “much evidence suggests that where levels of social capital are higher, children grow up healthier, safer and better educated, people live longer, happier lives, and democracy and the economy work better.” Ethnic diversity (increased immigration from various origins) is desirable because it enriches/increases social capital; a good thing too, because needless to say it is pretty much inevitable in the long run. I was curious as to what are other benefits to ethnic diversity besides increased levels of creativity and rapid economic growth?

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