“The Transformation of Chinese American Communities”-Response

This article explores the changes in trends of Asian American immigration and settlement in the cities of NY and LA. The most prominent new development is the increase and growth of middle-class immigrant Chinese communities. The “new” immigrants usually are better educated and more economically affluent than their 19th and 20th century predecessors and while Chinatowns still primarily serve as places for obtaining employment and a sense of community, the new Chinatowns in both NY and LA are much better linked globally on political, economic, and social levels. Instead of isolating their inhabitants, new Chinatowns serve as pathways to assimilation and incorporation into mainstream American society. I thought it was interesting how Monterey Park in LA is predominantly Chinese while Flushing and Sunset Park in NY are more “global” in that they harbor a more diverse mix of Asian ethnicities, this leads me to wonder: how did this particular trend affect the residential mobility prescribed to each of the neighborhoods? How does this affect each of these areas politically?

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