Sewing Women Ch. 5-9

In chapters 5 through 9 we see that the Chinese and the Korean garment factories wanted to hire different people to work on the clothing.  I found it very interesting that most of the workers in the Korean factories were not mostly Korean besides the owners, their children, and their close relatives.  The Korean garment factory owners preferred to hire coethnics, but Korean garment workers were too expensive to hire so they turned to hiring undocumented Mexicans and Ecuadorians.  Many Korean women went into the manicure business so they could possibly become entrepreneurs or work in a position with higher status.  Still, there were some Koreans working in the factories; however, they mostly had very specialized jobs or talents in sewing detailed parts of clothing.  On the other hand, the Chinese garment factories had mostly coethnic workers.  The number of Chinese immigrants keeps increasing and many are given jobs in the factories.  It was interesting to see how the owners generally decided who would work for them.  Their own attitudes toward race and ethnicity were considered as well as what they heard from other owners about racial groups.  They also used their experiences with African Americans, Puerto Ricans, and their own workers.

Another difference described in these chapters is what went on inside the shop.  The Chinese garment factory workers would sponsor a new worker by training and accompanying her helping her to get into the routine of the job.  This recruitment helped the owners be ensured that this new worker will not cause trouble, and it also helps the worker who trains this recruit by increasing their status.  In the Korean garment factories the workers rarely brought in their friends and family to train; however, they may tell friends where they can get a job without actually introducing them to the owners themselves.  Also, because many workers in the Korean factories were undocumented it makes sense that they would not want to give their names or information.  One Mexican worker said that the owners only really need to know if the women can sew.

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