Joshua Chu – Introduction


Hey guys! I’m Joshua. My last name is Chu.

Shout out to Tony, who’s in our seminar and has the same last name! Many people have concluded that we are brothers. We are not. It’s funny.


I love food. And physics. And math. And programming. Why?

Physics and math… I think they are useful things to know about.

With programming, I can do just about anything, given I know the right language. I like that I am in control of what the computer does, that I can make it do what I want it to do, that I can make it do the mundane work.

The process of taking a bite of food, feeling the textures of pizza crust or toothsome pasta or pea, and recognizing the flavor that hits my tongue makes food a great experience. Just kidding. I don’t know why food is so good: I like a good pizza, pasta dish, goat cheese, and many more tasty edibles. Like good chocolate. Mmm.

image of good chocolate

Chocolate… mmm. Credits to eHow Contributor Ingrid Hansen (



I enjoy cycling. Since middle school, I would ride around my neighborhood, reveling in the ease of movement, the speed, and maybe a little bit of the scenery. Mostly the speed.

I play know how to play the trombone.

wycliffe gordon holding a trombone

Wycliffe Gordon holding a trombone!1! Credits to U Maryland Eastern Shore

I became interested in music in 5th grade–a sort of whimsical interest that kids have–and I could play! I picked up buzzing on the mouthpiece extremely quickly and the fingerings a little bit afterwards. This went on through middle school, where I learned to play the trombone. I didn’t practice though (lol) and I didn’t know that playing an instrument was a sport in its own right–embouchure toning and diaphragm exercises and finger weight training.
Now my trombone spends most of its time in the case.
I need to make some time for it. It’s lonely 🙁
Anyone else play an instrument here?

I like to look at things sometimes, and wonder how all the pieces attach together, how the whole is formed.


When I get very tired, a pseudo-Russian accent begins to slip into my speech. I watched a lot of FPSRussia in my high school years.


I hope to learn with you all about the culture in which I live–New York in all its glory.

3 thoughts on “Joshua Chu – Introduction

  1. I now crave chocolate. Between you and the bubble tea post, I’ll be making runs almost certainly to find some. I am envious of your programming knowledge! I’ve poked around on CodeAcademy to get my feet wet with HTML/CSS but I have so many goals with programming and no idea when I’ll fit it in!

  2. Hey Joshua, I too play an instrument and I too no longer play it. I was never really driven to succeed in playing but it was fun to play alongside classmates. I played trumpet and I definitely agree that playing is very much like being an athlete, especially with brass instruments. You need to really tone your lips to make just the right pitch. Anyways, imagine jamming together and forming a small brass duo, that would be pretty interesting considering we have not played in a while.

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